New Brunswick

Mandatory Continuing Professional Development: Current Status

Lawyers in New Brunswick must complete continuing professional development each year. Please visit the Law Society Of New Brunswick’s website at:


In Person (0)

Live Online (220)

Recorded Online / Videos (5208)

Bundled PD Sessions (9)

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The CBA PD Web site combines listings for all CBA Branch, National and CCCA events in one convenient location, eliminating the need to search though multiple sites. By selecting your province or territory on the left hand column, you will be directed to professional development opportunities taking place near you.

Professional development opportunities presented will include in-person presentations, on-line videos, recordings and links to publications offered by individual Branches.

To search all CBA programming, use the general search function on the Search Programs tab.


While the CBA’s goal is to provide complete and accurate information, Provincial and Territorial information on Mandatory Continuing Legal Education / Compulsory Professional Development, is provided for your information only. The CBA is not a regulatory body and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of any information provided by or on any linked third party web sites. It is the sole responsibility of the CBA member to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information with respect to both the current MCLE / CPD requirements of the applicable regulatory bodies and the CBA member’s qualifying MCLE / CPD activity. The CBA assumes no responsibility of any kind for any errors or omissions in the content of, or arising from its members or other parties use of this information.