Termination of a Condominium Corporation
Real Property Law & Civil Litigation Law Sections | Original Program Date: September 22, 2014
The recent termination of Simcoe Condominium Corporation No. 32 is believed to be the first termination of an Ontario condominium corporation under court supervision and one of only a small handful of condo terminations in Ontario's legal history. Hear directly from the lawyers who handled the termination of SCC 32 about the steps and procedures undertaken to terminate a condominium corporation. Through this, you will gain practical insight into a novel area of condominium law - one that may become increasingly pertinent to both real property litigation lawyers as older condominium corporations begin to reach structural life expectancy.
Chris Jaglowitz, Gardiner Miller Arnold LLP
Ian Speers, Barrister and Solicitor
Doug Downey, Lewis Downey Tornosky Lassaline & Timpano Professional Corporation
Patrick Lassaline, Lewis Downey Tornosky Lassaline & Timpano Professional Corporation