Navigating International Issues in Family Law (Archived Video Stream) 

Jun. 19, 2014
Toronto Online

Navigating International Issues in Family Law
Family Law | Original Program Date: June 19, 2014

With increased globalization, family lawyers today often find themselves representing clients with disputes that cross provincial and even international borders. As your clients’ spouses, children and property are increasingly located in foreign jurisdictions, ensure you are up-to-date on the resources available to assist in these cases, including the international judicial conference call protocol and the Interjurisdictional Support Orders (“ISO”) Unit of the Family Responsibility Office (“FRO”).

Gain a comprehensive understanding and essential practice tips on interjurisdictional support cases. Learn how to navigate the enforcement process with certainty to achieve the best results for your client, and how the ISO unit of the FRO can assist you. Hear from Madam Justice Diamond on how and when to utilize the international judicial conference call protocol, as well as what you can do to maximize the effectiveness of this process to benefit your client.


Ella Bernhard, Barrister and Solicitor
Sharon Shore, Epstein Cole LLP


The Honourable Robyn M. Diamond, Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba
Michelle Douglas-Cummings, Senior Counsel, ISO Unit, Family Responsibility Office



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    Non-Member: $80*

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    CBA Member: $75*
    Non-Member: $145*
    *plus applicable taxes



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