The Essentials of White Collar Defence and Investigations
Criminal Justice and Securities Committee | Original Program Date: September 15, 2014
Serious criminal investigations and prosecutions involving white collar crimes require extensive trial experience and expertise. Ensure you are equipped with the latest case law, substantive knowledge, strategies and tactics to deliver unparalleled advocacy, judgment and resources to your clients by taking part in this timely discussion.
OSC - Joint Serious Offences Team
Karen Manarin, Deputy Director Enforcement, Ontario Securities Commission
Hear an overview of the OSC Joint Serious Offences Team and how the OSC is involved in the investigation and prosecution of serious white collar offences.
The Dos and Don'ts of Conducting a White Collar Trial: A View from the Bench
The Honourable Justice Frank N. Marrocco, Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Trial Strategy in Complex White Collar Matters
David Porter, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Gain practical strategies from the defence perspective to help you prepare for and succeed at trial including:
- Pre-trial issues, such as managing voluminous disclosure and witness interviews
- Proven trial tactics
Recent Substantive Legal Developments
Ken Jull, Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP
- Recent prosecutions under the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act
- The latest developments in corporate criminal liability
- Situations where corporations may be liable for the acts of middle management and outside agents
Effectively Managing Ethical and Professionalism Issues in White Collar Cases
- Clearly identifying who your client is
- What dilemmas may arise when you attend at interviews with your client
- The proper approach to interviewing fact witnesses
Grace Hession David, Asst. Crown Attorney, Ministry of Attorney General - Special Fraud Prosecutions and Organized Crime
Christi A. Hunter, Heller Rubel Professional Corporation
Christopher A. Wayland, McCarthy Tétrault LLP