What's New in Securities Class Actions? Recent Developments & Emerging Trends
Class Actions Law Section & Business Law Section | Original Program Date: May 27, 2014
Track the latest developments and trends in securities class actions. Hear from an expert panel of experienced plaintiff and defense counsel about the following:
Concurent regulatory and civil proceedings:
- OSC no contest settlement initiative: implications for plaintiffs and defendants
- impact of AIC Limited v. Fisher on settling respondents.
- lessons learned from Knowledge House
Funding of Class Proceedings:
- is the Class Proceedings Fund still the only game in town?
- implications of third party funding for plaintiffs and defendants
Prospectus/OM class actions:
- who is an underwriter?
- who is a prospectus/OM purchaser?
Common Law Misrepresentation Claims:
- is there still a need to plead reliance?
- preferable procedure
Secondary Market Claims: Has the Pedulum Swung Too Far in Favour of Plaintiffs?
- the test for leave under Pt. XXIII.1 of the Securities Act
- relationship between the granting of leave and certification
- suspension of the statutory limitation period: implications for plaintiffs
Impact of Insolvency Proceedings on Class Actions:
- settlements
- case management
- stay of class proceedings
Steven Rosenhek, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Linda Fuerst, Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin (Moderator)
Daniel Bach, Siskinds LLP
John Fabello, Torys LLP