Advertising and Marketing Law: Retrospective on 2013 and Forecast for 2014 (Archived Video Stream) 

Dec. 12, 2013
Toronto Online

Advertising and Marketing Law:
Retrospective on 2013 and Forecast for 2014
Entertainment, Media & Communications | Original Program Date: December 12, 2013

Get a retrospective review of 2013, and a look at what’s to come in 2014 from Advertising Standards Canada, the Competition Bureau’s Fair Business Practices Branch, and the Canadian Marketing Association including:

  • Key cases from 2013, including examples of the types of advertisements and claims at issue
  • An analysis of 2013 trends in consumer complaints
  • Emerging regulatory issues on the marketers’ radar screens, and initiatives aimed to address them, such as
  • The Competition Bureau’s enforcement priorities for 2014, and essential updates on the application of its “Compliance Continuum”

Learn about the latest developments in puffery, comparative claims, price claims, online marketing, and the use and reliance on disclaimers and supers (including the size and duration of mouse print in television advertising).


Catherine Lovrics, Bereskin & Parr LLP
Sara Perry, Heenan Blaikie LLP


Tagreed Boules, Senior Competition Law Officer - Fair Business Practices Branch, Competition Bureau
Janet Feasby, Vice-President, Standards - Advertising Standards Canada
Wally Hill, Senior Vice-President, Government and Consumer Affairs – Canadian Marketing Association

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