Oral Advocacy Boot Camp (YLD) (Archived Video Stream) 

Oct. 8, 2013
Toronto Online

Oral Advocacy Boot Camp (YLD)
Sole, Small Firm & General Practice, Young Lawyers' Division | Original Program Date: October 8, 2013

Become an outstanding oralist and a more effective legal advocate

You will walk away from this session with:

  • The ability to articulate your ideas aloud, confidently and clearly
  • Practical guidelines on oral advocacy, including body language and voice control
  • Essential advice from experienced litigators

Program Chairs

Paul Lomic, Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP - Hamilton
Geoff Mowatt, Dimock Stratton LLP


To view the full program agenda, please click here.

Please note:

This archived video only shows Part 1 of the agenda: Oral Advocacy Tips and Techniques



    Viewer Specifications for Webcast
    Adobe Flash Player 11.0+ Test
    Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0+
    High-speed internet connection Test
    Modern web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer 8+

    For 1 to 3 Participants
    CBA Member: $155*
    Non-Member: $205*

    For 4 or more Participants
    CBA Member: $225*
    Non-Member: $295*
    E-Materials included in the registration fee
    *plus applicable taxes



Ontario Bar Association
Tele: (416) 869-1047
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E-Mail: registrations@oba.org
Web: www.oba.org