This is the archived version of a program presented on May 2, 2013.
Learn from a panel of experienced professionals speaking about the intersection of companion animal sheltering policies and the law. In particular, this program will be addressing strategies for reducing euthanasia in the shelter system. The speakers will address current policy initiatives and ACAP (Acceptable Companion Animal Philosophy) to advocate for a locally developed balanced approach, based on community consensus, legislative reform and the ongoing operational changes at the shelter level.
Aside from animal law content, this session will also be relevant to practitioners in the area of municipal law, and those who practice in the ADR field, either as mediators and facilitators, as well as of interest to academics and students in related disciplines. The content will be applicable to shelter practices in regions across Ontario and beyond.
Program Chair:
Nicholas dePencier Wright, BA JD MBA - Executive Director, Animal Justice Canada
Jacques Messier, CEO, Toronto Humane Society
Elizabeth Glibbery, Manager, Toronto Animal Services
Suzana Gartner, JD, LLM, Lawyer, Mediator, and Animal Advocate