This is the archived version of a program presented on March 2, 2011. This will not become available until 2 weeks after the orginal program date. To order this format please click on the "REGISTER NOW" button. If you prefer another format for this program please choose from the listing on the right hand side.
Public sector lawyers typically have a wide variety of reporting relationships and accountabilities. In addition to their duties to their client agencies, ministries or other employers, many lawyers working in the public sector are also charged with promoting the "public interest." Learn how our expert panelists look at lawyers in the public sector and their duty to both the seen and unseen client.
In "Ethics and Professionalism: The Ethical Framework", the first of three related but independent lunchtime programs, our panelists examine the delicate balance public sector lawyers must maintain in serving their legal and political masters while at the same time upholding the letter of the law and the reputation of the administration of justice.