The Economics and Law Committee presents:
Anticompetitive Effects of Horizontal Shareholding
December 5, 2017 | 12pm - 1:30pm ET
Horizontal shareholding exists when a common set of institutional investors own significant shareholdings in horizontal competitors in an industry. This phenomenon is particularly common in concentrated industries. Economic theory suggests that horizontal shareholding can have an anti-competitive effect on the industry by reducing the incentives of horizontal competitors to compete with each other. Recent empirical research has demonstrated that horizontal shareholding in the US airlines and banking industries has indeed resulted in higher prices, while others are raising doubts about this research. This panel brings together two sides of this debate and will provide a Canadian legal perspective.
MODERATOR: William Wu, Stikeman Elliott LLP (Moderator)
Isabel Tecu, Charles River Associates
Keith Waehrer, Bates White
Neil Campbell, McMillan LLP
Paul Collins, Stikeman Elliot LLP