The public is increasingly at odds with the legal system, leading lawyers to face judgement outside of the courtroom. Balancing public interest and lawyer independence under scrutiny causes serious implications and calls into question how law reform should operate.
This conference offers a comprehensive exploration into key themes affecting the practice of law and public confidence in the legal system. Hear from a collection of experienced lawyers as they examine zealous advocacy, accountability vs. independence and what it means to uphold “the public interest”.
For requests or inquiries on accommodations, please contact CBABC Professional Development. We welcome your suggestions for enhancing the inclusiveness of our activities.
All materials related to this conference are for the sole use of the registrant, which may not be copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, translated, distributed, shared, modified, made available on a network or other website, used to create derivative works, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without the prior express written permission of the Canadian Bar Association.
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