Come Together: Substantive Consolidation of Corporate Groups 

Mar. 25, 2025
South Online

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CBA Alberta Section

Come Together: Substantive Consolidation of Corporate Groups

Presented by the CBA Alberta Insolvency Law South Section

Over the past 20 years, there has been a rise in the number of insolvency proceedings involving corporate groups. This is undoubtedly a reflection of the broader corporate landscape, as large businesses are often structured as an amalgam of several separate companies.  This presentation will cover the development of the doctrine of substantive consolidation in Canada, compares this development with that of the doctrine in the United States and analyzes any such decisions in the United States that may have an impact on the future development of the doctrine in Canada, particularly as they apply to the consolidation of solvent and insolvent companies.


Carole Hunter [Counsel, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP]
Jacqueline Shellon (Director & Vice President, KPMG)


Date:  Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Time: 12:00 Noon (MT)
Location:  Zoom


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    RSVP BY MAR 24

    12:00 pm (MT)


    Full Subscribers: No charge
    Webcast Subscribers: No charge
    On-Demand Subscribers: $15.00
    Non-Section Subscribers: $15.00
    CBA Law Student Members: No charge

    *All prices subject to GST


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CBA Alberta Sections (South)