The New China Tariffs and their Implications for Canadian Business 

Oct. 9, 2024
South Online

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CBA Alberta Sections

The New China Tariffs and their Implications for Canadian Business

Presented by the CBA Alberta Natural Resources South Section

On Demand. Originally presented on October 9, 2024. 
Please note that there are some sound tech issues with the video.  

On October 15, Canada is going to be imposing a 25 percent surtax on a long list of steel and aluminum products of Chinese origin. Many of these products are necessary for unconventional oil and gas field development, oil sands development and utility infrastructure. Further, commencing  Sept. 10 and ending Oct. 10, there is a consultation period regarding a wide range of further Chinese products, from critical minerals to solar panels, that might be subject to additional tariffs. Depending on the outcome, these proposed tariffs may impact the cost of the energy transition domestically. Join Sean Stephenson, Michael Agosti and Hazel Saffery of Dentons for a discussion of what’s driving tariffs of Chinese imports, the impacts on Canadian extractive and energy resource industries, the unusually compressed consultation timelines and the avenues to potential exemptions.


Hazel Saffery (Partner, Dentons)
Sean Stephenson (Counsel, Dentons) 
Michael Agosti (Senior Business Advisor, National Co-Chair, Government Affairs and Public Policy, Dentons)


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