SOGIC & Wills, Estate & Elder Law North Joint Meeting: Back in the Closet: The Intersection of Elder Law and Queer Identity 

28 juin 2021
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SOGIC & Wills, Estate & Elder Law North Joint Meeting: Back in the Closet: The Intersection of Elder Law and Queer Identity

Date/Time: Monday, June 28, 2021 |12:00 - 1:00 pm (SK) | Zoom Webinar (Date changed from June 2)
Speaker: Cheryl Loadman, Former Executive Director Saskatoon Services for Seniors
Section Chairs:  SOGIC: Barton Soroka, Gerrand Rath Johnson LLP | Wills Estate & Elder Law North: Allison Katarey, Cuelenaere LLP  
Cost: Free for CBA Members

While laws, beliefs, and attitudes have changed over the past 40+ years, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults from the "Stonewall" generation and earlier represent a large number of individuals whose approach to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity is not understood. These older LGBT adults face many unique legal issues that can easily challenge their independence and dignity, while historical discrimination has meant many in this generation are hesitant to engage with the legal system. 

The presentation seeks to raise the awareness of Saskatchewan’s legal community the issues and concerns of the older 2SLGBT+ individual to increase understanding that is crucial in empowering LGBT seniors to utilize the legal rights and services available to them.

The Law Society of Saskatchewan has approved this Webinar for one hour (1.0) of Continuing Professional Development.

This will be a zoom webinar so you can join via your computer or phone. We will provide instructions when you register of how to access Zoom if you are not familiar with this format.





    CBA Saskatchewan
    Ph: (306) 244-3898
    1-800-424-8288 (SK Only)