Conférence du Forum des avocates de l’ABC - Programme 

2-3 nov. 2023
Toronto ON

 Conférence du Forum des avocates de l’ABC

Conférence du Forum des avocates de l’ABC - Programme
Présenté par le Forum des avocates de l’ABC

2 et 3 novembre 2023 | Toronto (Ontario)

Les juristes du multivers : Accepter nos rôles à multiples facettes dans la profession juridique et au-delà

En tant que juristes, nous assumons plusieurs fonctions et naviguons dans un monde diversifié de rôles au sein et au-delà de la profession juridique. Le 3 novembre 2023, la conférence biannuelle du Forum des avocates de l’ABC explorera ces identités à multiples facettes; la conférence comprendra quatre tables rondes axées sur les juristes, femmes et hommes, en tant que leaders, mentors, aidants et activistes et sur la manière dont l’avenir dynamique de la profession juridique pourrait façonner davantage ces rôles.

Rejoignez-nous à Toronto pour la conférence « Les juristes du multivers : Accepter nos rôles à multiples facettes dans la profession juridique et au-delà ». Il s’agit du premier événement en présentiel du Forum des avocates depuis plus de 4 ans, et le monde a changé de manière incommensurable depuis lors. La conférence fournira un contenu essentiel aux juristes, femmes et hommes, qui souhaitent devenir des leaders plus actifs, des mentors plus compatissants et des membres de la communauté plus impliqués - et les équiper pour la profession juridique de l’avenir.

Cet événement est inclusif et les enfants sont les bienvenus; les parents sont responsables de leur surveillance

Le programme est sujet à des modifications
Disponible uniquement en anglais

18 h – 19 h 30

Réception d'ouverture

Rejoignez-nous pour le lancement officiel des balados Les Assises et pour rencontrer vos collègues.

Pour assister uniquement à la réception, achetez votre billet dès aujourd'hui. Un nombre limité de billets est disponible au prix de 50 $ + taxes.


8 h – 8 h 45

Petit-déjeuner de réseautage

8 h 45 – 9 h

Reconnaissance des terres et remarques préliminaires

9 h – 9 h 45

Keynote Address on The Dobbs Case and the Past, Present, and Future of Abortion in the United States
Leap Legal Software

Alexia Korberg
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
New York (New York)

Alexia Korberg
9 h 45 – 10 h


10 h – 11 h 15

PANEL 1 – Lawyers as Professional Leaders
Ritch Williams and Richards

This panel will focus on the various hats lawyers may find themselves wearing during their careers, including as they step into leadership roles both within their workplaces and wider communities. Possible topics for discussion may include alternative career paths for lawyers, different kinds of leadership roles aside from the traditional partner-track and the dynamics that internationally trained lawyers can illuminate in the Canadian legal context.

Katherine Hensel , Fogler Rubinoff, Toronto (Ontario)
Serena Gohal, Laxton Glass LLP, Toronto (Ontario)
Deepshikha Dutt, Dentons, Toronto (Ontario)

Moderator: TBA

11 h 15 – 12 h 30

PANEL 2 – Lawyers as Mentors and Caregivers

This panel will explore the crucial roles that lawyers can play as mentors and caregivers to colleagues, clients and people in their personal lives. The discussion will cover the challenges and opportunities associated in assuming these roles, as well as the impact that lawyers in these roles can have on the personal and professional development of others. Possible topics for discussion are lawyers as caregivers of children and older parents, maintaining social ties with friends, self-care, and the various mentorship roles one might engage in within their workplace, such as mentorship of other lawyers within the profession.

Jennifer Nedelsky, Osgoode Hall Law School York University, Toronto (Ontario)
Erin Durant, Durant Barristers, Ottawa (Ontario)
Julianne Stevenson, Policy Analyst, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario , Toronto (Ontario)

Moderator: TBA

12 h 30 – 13 h 45

“Drag Lunch” – Tynomi Banks Preformance & presentation of Cecilia I. Johnstone Award

13 h 45 – 15 h 15

PANEL 3 – Lawyers as Community Activists

This panel will explore the role that lawyers can play in advocating for social justice, equality, and positive change within their workplaces and broader communities, and how lawyers can balance their professional responsibilities with their activism. Topics are expected to include reproductive justice, 2SLGBTQI+ rights, climate action, workers' rights, and more.

Pam Hrick, Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), Toronto (Ontario)
John No, Parkdale Community Legal Services, Toronto (Ontario)
Shakir Rahim, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Toronto (Ontario)

Moderator: Belle Van, Fineberg Ramamoorthy LLP, Toronto (Ontario)

15 h 15 – 15 h 30


15 h 30 – 16 h 45

PANEL 4 – Lawyers in the Future

This panel will explore the evolving landscape of the legal industry with respect to both technological developments and wider societal change and how these factors may alter the roles of lawyers in the future. The discussion will cover the emerging opportunities and challenges seen with these changes. Topics of discussion will include artificial intelligence, the move to work from home and work-life balance.

Ginevra Saylor, Director of Innovation and Knowledge Programs,Gowling WLG, Toronto (Ontario)
Leena Yousefi, Lawyer and Mediator, Ylaw, Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique)
Tara Vasdani, Remote Law Canada, Toronto (Ontario)
Christiane Saad, Executive Director of the French Law Practice Program, University of Ottawa, Ottawa (Ontario)

Moderator: TBA

16 h 45 – 17 h

Remarques de clôture



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    2 à 3 novembre 2023

    en personne

    OBA Conference Centre
    20 rue Toronto
    Toronto (Ontario)




    Leap Legal Software

    Ritch Williams and Richards

    Nature  Derma

    Proactio A service of Raymond Chabot

    Veritext Legal Solutions Canada


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