Labour and Employment Issues with the Aging Population
Jointly presented by the CBA National Labour & Employment Law and Elder Law Sections.
Employees, employers and unions face novel issues and challenges as the Canadian population ages. This webinar will provide an overview of the legal landscape for the aging workforce. It will also highlight innovative strategies and approaches for managing and facilitating the intergenerational exchange of information in the workplace.
This webinar will be useful for any practitioner who advises employees, unions or employers on employment and labour issues. It will also be of use to in-house lawyers who may deal with these issues directly within their own workplaces.
Topics will include:
- Current statistics and trends with respect to the aging workforce and population
- Common perceptions of older workers
- The meaning of ageism and age discrimination
- Intersectionality of age discrimination and other grounds such as disability and family status
- Discrimination throughout the employment lifecycle
- Pensions and benefits issues involving older workers
- Promising practices regarding inclusive workplace design
Register today!
Krista James, Canadian Centre for Elder Law
Adrian Ishak, Rubin Thomlinson LLP
Pierre Brun, Melancon, Marceau Grenier & Sciortino