Presented by the CBA National Health Law Section
SARS. H1N1. Ebola. Public health crises put everyone at risk.
This 90 minute webinar is all about preparing yourself and your clients for the “next big one.” If you work with an institution providing health care, or with employers/employees coping with the practical and legal realities of operating during an outbreak – this session is for you. How prepared are your clients for the next pandemic? Most likely they’re taking chances, and haven’t yet considered all the risks.
We have top experts who will discuss:
- The CBA’s new member-only guide entitled Pandemics and the Workplace: A Resource for Lawyers*
- Practical guidance on implementing a pandemic protocol
- Vaccinations - can employers force employees to be vaccinated?
- Can employees refuse to work during a pandemic?
- Can employers send employees home at the first signs of illness? Will employees at home be paid?
- How do you allocate scarce resources during a pandemic?
- And more!
It's a delicate balance of public health and private rights. This is your resource to be proactive.
Dr. Frank Atherton, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health (Halifax)
Sheila Osborne-Brown, Counsel, Litigation Services Division, Canadian Human Rights Commission (Ottawa)
Isabelle French, Lawyer, Ritch Durnford (Halifax)
Sheila E. Caston, Partner, McKercher LLP (Saskatoon, SK)