Optimize Your Legal Skills for Managing Geopolitical Risks (Corporate Stream) 

Oct. 10 - Dec. 10, 2024

CBA Skilled Lawyer Series

Optimize Your Legal Skills for Managing Geopolitical Risks
October 10 – December 10, 2024 | Six Sessions | 12 CPD Hours
Webinar times: 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET

Registration Fees

Gain a proactive and strategic approach to enhance your legal expertise and delivery in the face of global uncertainties.

In today's interconnected economy, understanding the complex landscape of geopolitical risks is crucial for corporate lawyers. These risks, arising from political, economic, social and environmental changes, impact business operations and profitability significantly, and therefore demand consideration in all aspects of corporate planning.

Take part in this series to acquire the skills and knowledge essential to navigate these challenges effectively. Discover how to help your clients perform comprehensive legal risk assessments, enhance operational flexibility, utilize technology in risk management, and guide strategic decision-making in uncertain geopolitical climates.

The stakes are high — without a robust understanding of geopolitical risks and effective legal strategies to manage them or to react to them, businesses may face severe disruptions, with substantial financial and legal repercussions. Your clients need your timely and informed legal guidance, and judgment, to mitigate these risks and to find in them not just peril but opportunity.

Join us to deepen your understanding of global legal environments and to improve your strategic thinking. Empower yourself to provide valuable insight and legal guidance, helping your organization and your clients to thrive in a complex and unpredictable landscape.

Corporate Stream Programs



Thu. Oct. 10, 2024

Gaining a Firm Legal Foundation for Geopolitical Risk Management

Mon. Oct. 28, 2024

Advising the Board of Directors on Proactive Management of Geopolitical Risks

Tue. Nov. 12, 2024

Providing Strategic Advice on Legal Liabilities: Managing Implications of Geopolitical Risks

Tue. Nov. 26, 2024

Navigating Economic Impacts of Geopolitical Shifts: Legal Strategies for Business Resilience

Wed. Dec. 4, 2024

Leveraging Technology for Geopolitical Risk Management and Advantage

Tue. Dec. 10, 2024

Navigating Legal and Geopolitical Aspects of Cross-Border Transactions



Can't make a webinar? You can still purchase the full series!
Past webinars are avaialble as on-demand recordings.


Registration Fees

Cost for the Full Stream (6 Programs)

CBA Members: $460
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $300
CBA Student Members: $89
Non-Members: $730
Government: $540
Plus applicable taxes

Costs for individual webinars can be found by visiting each webinar page.


Group Rates For Firms / Organizations

5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org




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