French Language Laws 101 (Recording)
Presented by the CBA French Speaking Common Law Members Section
Thursday November 3, 2022 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ET
Registration Fees
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
French Language Laws 101
Every lawyer has an obligation to address their clients of their language rights. This obligation is explicitly set out in the Rules of Professional Conduct of 8 out of 10 Canadian provinces, and all 3 territories, and it is no doubt an implicit obligation that applies to all lawyers in the remaining 2 provinces.
Do you understand the extent of those rights so as to be able to able to effectively discharge your duty to your clients? Failing to understand language rights and inform your clients of how those rights apply to their circumstances might be more than a failure to consider an avenue that might be interesting to your clients, it could be a breach of your professional obligations and therefore expose you to a complaint or even liability.
This presentation will be presented in English, which will clearly explain these constitutionally protected rights, the resources available in every province and how to ensure that you have discharged your duties to all of your clients.
Me. Gérard Levesque
Me. Vicky Ringuette
The Honorable Justice Michael K. Wendl, Ontario Court of Justice
Naaila Sangrar, RZCD Law Firm LLP
Registration Fees
CBA Members: FREE
Non-Members: $55
Plus applicable taxes