The Well-Being Series
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
Keeping Mentorship in Mind
In a time of bewildering change and challenge, while we need to be physically apart from one another, we must not lose sight of the importance of maintaining strong mentoring relationships. Let’s talk about ways that you can model good mentoring and keep mentors engaged.
Melanie Mortensen
(Victoria BC)
Melanie Mortensen is a Legislative Counsel and the Designated Deputy Chief Legislative Counsel for Members’ Drafting with the BC Office of Legislative Counsel. She is the Chair of the CBA Public Sector Lawyers Section and is an interim Director on the Board of the Métis Nation of Greater Victoria. Before her return home to BC in 2015, Melanie was a Parliamentary Counsel in the House of Commons (2005 to 2010) and the Senate (2010 to 2015). Melanie studied Law at McGill (LL.B. & B.C.L. 2002; LL.M. 2007). Before Law, her concentration was English (B.A. Hons. Alberta 1994; M.A. McGill 1998).