The Well-Being Series
Friday, June 5, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Cultivating Positivity in Uncertain Times
In this session, we will share with each other ways we have found to deliberately cultivate positivity as a counterbalance in these uncertain times. Share what you have found serves to lift your spirits, and hear what others have found works for them. Examples of ideas that might be discussed include: keeping a gratitude journal; returning to a neglected hobby; rediscovering that laughter can be the best medicine.
David B. Bryan is a member of the CBA’s Well-Being Subcommittee. He is retired after 27 years of practise as a Registered Trademark Agent at a large national firm, where the favourite part of his job was creating and teaching the firm’s National Trademark Law Training Program for Associates & Students.
David is a Certified Meditation Instructor with The Chopra Center, and has a Certificate in Mindfulness Studies from the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies. He is the author of the book The 7 Principles of the Affluent Soul.