Presented by CBA Legal Futures
Changing Trends and Meeting Client Demands
With the changing landscape, lawyers and law firms are feeling the pressure to keep up. How do these changes impact client expectations and how will new technology change our existing law firm practices and systems?
Join the panelists as they discuss some of the new trends affecting the legal profession, new client demands as well as the risks and the ethical obligations associated with the latest AI movement.
Dima Alhadidi, Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Windsor
Adam Wells, Senior Vice President, Strategy, MT>3 - a division of McCarthy Tétrault
Art Wilson, Lawyer, Legal Innovator and Manager of A2I at the Law Society of Ontario
Sukhi Dhillon Alberga, Founder, Bridge Legal Solutions, and CBA Legal Futures Subcommittee Member
Lauren Fishman, Vice President and e-Discovery Lawyer, MT>3, a division of McCarthy Tétrault