Writing Winning Arguments: Unique Considerations for Virtual Advocacy
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021, 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET
In this transitional time with some proceedings being held mostly in writing, written advocacy and written arguments are more important than ever. Enhance your ability to draft valuable written arguments to position the issues for remote proceedings and to guide decision-makers in their deliberations. Join our experts for refreshers and new guidance in creating professional, clear and well-developed written materials to help you provide optimal representation for your clients in virtual advocacy.
- Writing persuasive facta for remote proceedings: new skills for changing circumstances
- How to be effective in written advocacy: the art and science of clear, precise documents
- Hyperlinking: Best practices, when and how to use absolute vs relative links, mass editing
Jacob Damstra, Associate, Lerners LLP
The Honourable Justice David M. Brown, Court of Appeal Ontario