Mental Health and Capacity: Lawyers' Professional Responsibilities, Adaptability and Law Society Responses
CBA members: $55
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $40
CBA Student members: $10
Non-members: $220
Government/Academics: $110
Plus applicable taxes
This is the 2nd webinar in the CBA-FLSC Ethics Online Symposium. You can purchase the full program at a package rate.
Closed captioning will be available.
May 3, 2021 | 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM ET
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm Mental Health and Capacity: Lawyers' Professional Responsibilities, Adaptability and Law Society Responses
The topic of mental health and the legal profession has started to receive significant attention in recent years. Stressors and challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have thrust lawyer mental health even more into the spotlight. How should we frame our discussions about lawyer mental health? How can we best move from discussing problems to enacting effective responses? What steps should legal workplaces and legal regulators take to ensure that lawyers are in the best position possible to meet their ethical obligations?
Karin Galldin, Federation of Law Societies of Canada
Odelia Bay, Canadian Association of Lawyers with Disabilities
Andrew Martin, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University
Glenn Stuart, Law Society of Ontario
Charlene Theodore, Ontario Bar Association