Systemic Discrimination and the Legal Profession: Impacts & Responsibilities
CBA members: $55
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $40
CBA Student members: $10
Non-members: $220
Government/Academics: $110
Plus applicable taxes
This is the 1st webinar in the CBA-FLSC Ethics Online Symposium. You can purchase the full program at a package rate.
Closed captioning will be available.
May 3, 2021 | 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET
11:00 am - 12:15 pm Systemic Discrimination and the Legal Profession: Impacts & Responsibilities
Professional codes of conduct throughout Canada recognize that lawyers must refrain from discriminatory behaviour. This panel will explore the unique realities of, and challenges posed by, some of the ways in which systemic discrimination pervades legal infrastructure. The panel will also address how we might understand our professional obligations in the various contexts of legal education, law societies and legal workplaces.
Candice S. Metallic, IPC, Metallic Law
Kathleen Lickers, LSM, IPC, lawyer
Samantha Peters, Lawyer, Black Femme Legal
Tuma Young QC, Chair, Wabanaki 2 Spirit Alliance