Presented by the CBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section
Infrastructure and Economic Recovery: Challenges and Opportunities
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the Canadian infrastructure market, varying from province to province, project to project, as well as affecting projects in development. Such disruption has been caused by a variety of factors including government-imposed restrictions, temporary shutdowns, new health and safety measures, supply chain interruptions, labour shortages, as well as liquidity concerns.
The interconnectedness and global nature of the infrastructure sector amplifies the challenges Canada is facing as COVID-19 impacts are extending beyond the resumption of business activities and the reopening of borders, thus affecting current projects and future infrastructure planning. Yet, infrastructure is a key driver of Canadian and provincial economic recovery and the current crisis reveals an increasing need and urgency to, build resilient and sustainable infrastructure.
The webinar will address and analyze the impact that COVID-19 has had on current infrastructure projects as well as discuss the opportunities for future projects (from the way we build infrastructure to the way we implement it).
The Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Government of Canada
Mary Van Buren, President, Canadian Construction Association
Charles Todd, Senior Director, Investments at Canada Infrastructure Bank
Garth Frizzell, President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Councillor, City of Prince George, BC
Co-Moderator – Clémentine Sallée, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Co-Moderator – Lena Wang, Glaholt Bowles LLP