Environmental Law Section-South Webinar 

Sep. 8, 2020
Calgary Online

Notice of Meeting - Environmental Law Section (South) Via Zoom

Tuesday, September 8, 2020 @ 12:00 Noon Sharp


Keely Cameron
Bennett Jones LLP 

"Cleaning up in Active Oil and Gas Sites: An Overview of Provincial Programs"

Cost: Full Section Members - No charge 
Materials Only & Non-Section Members* - $15.00
U of C Law Student Members - No charge
(Includes GST. R#100760487) Payment can be made by cheque, Visa or Mastercard. 

To RSVP, click on the REGISTER NOW link above (top right of page). 
RSVP's must be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.


Please note that we track all meeting attendance for our records. Please ensure that you sign into the Zoom webinar using your COMPLETE NAME AND THE EMAIL ADDRESS ATTACHED TO YOUR CBAAB MEMBERSHIP. Your access to the webinar might be compromised if we cannot verify your registration.

 Webinar Instructions will be included in your Confirmation email, once registered.

*Materials only or non-section members who confirm and do not attend online will still be charged the registration fee.  Section memberships are individual memberships and are not transferable nor are substitutions permitted at meetings.  You must be a current National CBA member in order to attend.





    CBA Calgary Office:
    403-218-4313 - or -
