Unveiling Scary Issues, Frauds and Failures in Ontario Property Transactions (Archived Video Stream) 

Oct. 18, 2023

OBA Real Property Law PROGRAM | Original Program Date: October 18, 2023

Prepare to be spooked as we delve into the eerie and hair-raising world of real estate transactions in Ontario. In this program, we will shine a light on the dark corners of the real estate industry, uncovering bone-chilling tales of fraud, failed transactions, and the ghostly presence of virtual identification requirements. As legal professionals, it's crucial to be armed with the knowledge and tools to navigate these unsettling issues, ensuring a smoother and more secure experience for both clients and practitioners.

Program Highlights:

Fraud Issues: Explore real-life cases of property-related scams, forged documents, and identity theft, and learn how to detect and prevent these schemes. Our legal experts will provide insights into the latest tactics fraudsters can employ and guide you through the steps to safeguard your clients' interests.

Failed Transactions: Our presenters will look at issues that cause transactions to fail. Collapsed deals, undisclosed defects, and breached contracts, are just some of the matters that can de-rail a purchase or sale. Come learn strategies to navigate these matters and save deals that are impacted by them.

Virtual Identification: In the age of technology, even the identification process has created challenges. Explore virtual identification requirements in real estate transactions. Understand the new regulations coming into effect on January 1, 2024, The legal implications of remote identity verification, electronic signatures, and virtual notarization.

This program is designed for lawyers, who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the issues that can arise in Ontario real estate transactions. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to the field, this program offers valuable insights and strategies to ensure a smoother transactions. Equip yourself with the knowledge to combat the challenges of fraud, failed transactions, and virtual identification.


Andreas Present, Present Law


For more information, please view the full program agenda



    Viewer Specifications for Webcast

    Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.0+
    High-speed internet connection
    Modern web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer 11+

    For 1 to 3 Participants
    CBA Member: $234*
    Non-Member: $284*

    For 4 or more Participants
    CBA Member: $304*
    Non-Member: $374*
    E-Materials included in the registration fee
    *plus applicable taxes



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