Managing Anxiety When Returning to an In-Person World (Archived Video Stream) 

May 1, 2023

OBA PROGRAM | Original Program Date: May 1, 2023

As law firms, lawyers and their families continue to adapt to new ways of working, new routines, and ever-changing expectations, it is common for new stresses and anxieties to arise. As many of us are beginning to return to the office, some may be excited about the prospect, while others may find the idea of yet another change to their lifestyles to be anxiety-inducing. We may wonder whether we are re-adjusting to the new routine well and how we can best manage our anxiety and stress.

Join us as our highly experienced speaker helps you to identify your stressors and gives you practical tips and strategies to help manage your anxiety as you adjust to returning to the office.


Crystal Heidari, Burke and Co. Family Law Litigation and Advocacy Group 


Dr. Noah Lazar, Ph.D., C.Psych., Clinical Director, Psychologist, The Downtown Psychology Clinic

About the Speaker:
Dr. Lazar is certified by the Canadian Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CACBT) in the provision of CBT, and takes an evidence-based, non-judgmental, empathic, and client-centred approach to his practice in order to suit the individual needs of each client.

Throughout his career, he has been actively involved in teaching and training endeavours. He designed and instructs many courses and workshops at the University of Toronto and the Sick Kids Centre for Community Mental Health.  He has also taught in many other educational institutions, hospitals and workplaces. He is an Adjunct Lecturer with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto, where he teaches the CBT seminar for 2nd year psychiatry residents. Dr. Lazar is also involved in supervising numerous clinicians-in-training in the use of CBT.


CBA Member: Complimentary | Non-Member: $59*

*plus applicable taxes



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