OBA Taxation Law PROGRAM | Original Program Date: September 22, 2020
In today’s economic climate, nothing seems to be certain. The lack of a 2020 Federal Budget has left tax practitioners uncertain of what to expect from Finance in the coming year. We recognize that this uncertainty, coupled with massive amounts of federal spending for pandemic-related programs, have made it difficult for tax practitioners to advise their clients. Hit the ground running this September by equipping yourself with a better understanding of recent tax law developments released over the summer:
- Receive a critical update from the CBA/CPA Canada Joint Committee on Taxation of its work this past year.
- Learn about the salient developments in international taxation law, including the recent Cameco decision, developments relating to the Multilateral Instrument, and a discussion of current intentional tax policy issues.
- Get an overview of recent important tax cases.
Join your colleagues for this important discussion. Register now!
Joelle Kabouchi, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Angela Salvatore, Rogerson Law Group
Joelle Kabouchi, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Salvatore Mirandola, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Angelo Nikolakakis, EY Law LLP?
Angela Salvatore, Rogerson Law Group
Steve Suarez, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP