OBA Aboriginal Law | Original Program Date: February 7, 2020
Hear from experienced practitioners about the hot topics, emerging issues, and game changing cases and ideas that are impacting the practice of Aboriginal Law in Ontario and Canada. Five years ago the Aboriginal Law Section hosted a “Hot Topics, Emerging Issues & Game Changers” session and since then, the practice of Aboriginal law has changed dramatically. This is the program to learn about those changes and bring yourself up to speed.
Join our expert faculty for a practice-focused analysis and discussion of the big cases from the last few years, a practical guide to incorporating UNDRIP and FPIC into your practice, and a cutting-edge discussion of First Nation law and by-law making powers, as well as their enforcement and their interaction with traditional Indigenous laws.
Register now to be a part of this important discussion!
William Taggart, Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
Kayla Lynn Stephenson, Barrister and Solicitor
To view the full program agenda, please click here.