Hot Topics in Insurance 

Sep. 27, 2024
Fredericton NB


George A. McAllister, K.C., George A. McAllister, P.C., Fredericton
Deirdre L Wade, K.C., Cox & Palmer, Saint John
Jordan T. Thompson, MacGillivray Law Office, Moncton
Renée M. Fontaine, Stewart McKelvey, Moncton


8:30 am


8:35 am


Significant S.C.C. cases of interest to the Personal Injury bar The Last Five Years
Eugene Meehan, K.C., Supreme Advocacy LLP, Ottawa

  • Personal Injury
  • Torts
  • Civil Procedure
  • Insurance
  • Evidence


8:55 am

Problematic Areas of Subrogation Law in New Brunswick
David G. O'Brien, K.C., Cox & Palmer, Saint John
Robynn I. MacDonald, Cox & Palmer, Fredericton

  • When Does the Right to Subrogation Arise, (or NOT Arise): Contractual vs Equitable Indemnity
  • Subrogation and BI Claims: Medicare, Workers Compensations, the SEF 44
  • Battles of the Forms: Contracts Between the Parties v. Their CGL Policies: “Waiver of Transfer”, the Anti-Subrogation Rule, Contractual Immunity, Additional Insured Status


9:10 am

Common Conflicts of Laws in Contract and Tort
Brian Perry, McInnes Cooper, Fredericton

  • Conflict of Law Rules Applicable to Policy Disputes and in Tort
  • Limitation Periods and Other Common Conflict of Laws Pitfalls


9:25 am

Interjurisdictional Accidents and the NBEF44
Emma J. Neynens, MacGillivray Law, Moncton

  • Interjurisdictional Limits and How to Acquire Them
  • Eligibility Under the NBEF 44
  • Calculating the NBEF 44 Claim


9:40 am

Achieving Fair Outcomes for Indigenous Peoples and People with Invisible Injuries
Ronald Gaffney, K.C., Fredericton

  • The New Brunswick Law Society’s “Code of Professional Conduct”
  • Ethical Standards Respecting Lawyers’ Interactions with Marginalized and Traumatized Groups
  • Indigenous Peoples and People Suffering from Trauma Brought About by Workplace Injuries
  • Understanding Your Client’s Perspective


10:00 am

Walking Blindfolded Into a Minefield: What is – and is Not – A Proper Collateral Offset in LTD Litigation
M. Steven Rastin, Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers, Toronto

  • The Evolution of Deductibility in LTD
  • A Laundry List of Potential Offsets
  • Common Law Subrogation
  • The Future of LTD Offsets


10:20 am

Health Break

10:35 am

A "New" Approach to Apportionment of Defence Costs? Loblaw Companies v. Royal & Sun Alliance (Ont. CA)
Deirdre L. Wade, K.C., Cox & Palmer, Saint John

  • Duty To Defend – A Time-On-Risk or All Sums Approach?
  • How Does a Deductible or Self-Insured Retention Affect the Duty to Defend?
  • Pre-Tender Defence Costs and Relief from Forfeiture
  • Defence Reporting Agreements – Addressing Conflicts When There Are Multiple Insureds and Insurers


10:50 am

Four Questions Concerning Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law
Cherrill Edwina Shea, Esq.

  • Who Really Cares About Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law?
  • Why Might the Members of this Audience Want to Protect Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law?
  • What Has Been and What is the State of Support for Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law in New Brunswick and the Maritimes?
  • What Gives me Standing to Speak to you About Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the Rule of Law?


11:10 am

Navigating Cyberspace: The Evolving Canadian Law on Data Breaches and Cyberattacks
Ryan Burgoyne, Cox & Palmer, Fredericton

  • What is a Cyber Attack
  • Legislation and Protection of Personal Information
  • Civil Liability for Data Breaches


11:25 am

Recent Trends in Insurance Litigation: Your Yearly Case Law Update
Meaghan McCaw, Stewart McKelvey, Fredericton

  • Recent Trends in Insurance Litigation
  • The Most Impactful Decisions of 2023 and 2024 and Their Importance to the Practice of Insurance Litigation in New Brunswick
  • A Review of Relevant Canadian Cases for New Brunswick Practitioners


11:45 am

Developing an Appealing Personality (at the Supreme Court)
Eugene Meehan, K.C., Supreme Advocacy LLP, Ottawa

  • You Just Lost at the Court of Appeal? Bummer.
  • You Won, but the Other Side Wants to go to Ottawa? Bummer.
  • Here's the: Practicalities; Pros and Cons (Yes, There are Both); Technical Requirements (Particularly Important).


12:00 pm


1:00 pm

Limitation Periods Under the Insurance Act
Brenda J. Lutz, K.C., Canty Lutz Grant, Saint John

  • Insurance Act-Limitation Periods You Don’t Want to Miss
  • Check Out the Latest Caselaw on the SEF 44 Limitation Period
  • What to Do When You Miss a Limitation Period
  • Working With Your Professional Liability Insurer
  • LTD Policies – Does the Limitation Period Roll or Toll
  • Is There Relief for a Missed Limitation Period?
  • Reasons Lawyers Miss Limitation Periods
  • Challenges Faced in Defending Lawyers


1:20 pm

Notes from the Ground Floor: Building a Foundation for Mass Tort Litigation on the Shifting Sands of Class Actions
M. Steven Rastin, Gluckstein Personal Injury Lawyers, Toronto

  • The Changing Landscape of PI and Resulting Lawyer Migration
  • Legislative and Judicial Pushback to the Growth of Class Actions
  • The Case for Mass Torts
  • What a Canadian Mass Tort System Might Look Like


1:40 pm

What’s In a Name? Proper Personal Pronouns as a Legal and Professional Responsibility
Chris Pelkey, McInnes Cooper, Moncton

  • All Lawyers Play an Important Role in Legal Workplaces and the Legal Community in Upholding Human Rights Through Pronoun and Name Use.
  • Inappropriate Personal Pronouns and Naming is Discrimination, According to Recent Decisions from Three Human Rights Tribunals.
  • Delve Into Legal and Professional Implications Relating to Chosen Pronouns and Names.
  • Explore Standards and Best Practices for Fulfilling a Lawyer’s Obligations in Relation to Pronoun and Name Use


2:00 pm

Limitation of Actions Act – An Update
Romain J.F. Viel, Connors Stilwell, Fredericton

  • The New Plausible Inference of Liability Test
  • When a Claim is Continuous
  • When an Assurance Not to Rely on a Limitation Period is Given by the Defendant
  • A Review of Relevant 2024 Case Law


2:10 pm

Inferno Insights: Sparking Discussion About Fire Claims from the Plaintiff Perspective
Coralie Robert, MacGillivray Law, Moncton

  • Re-Igniting Your Interest in the Basics of Fire Insurance
  • A Fiery Look at the Statutory Conditions
  • Navigating the Blaze of Material Change in Risk
  • From Flames to Claims – A Review of the Latest Case Law on Fire Claims


2:25 pm

The Dreaded Uninsured /Unidentified Automobile Claim
Jade A. Spalding, Cox & Palmer, Fredericton

  • Practical Tips for Navigating Section D and Uninsured Automobile Fund Claims


2:35 pm

Recipe For Injustice: The Doughy Details Behind The Wrongful Denial Of Long-Term Disability Benefits In Baker V. Blue Cross
Jordan T. Thompson, MacGillivray Law, Moncton

  • A Review of Blue Cross’ Systematic and Deliberate Misconduct in the Handling of an LTD Claim
  • Blue Cross’ Conduct that Justified Punitive Damages – Conduct we Frequently See in LTD Claims
  • Shielding the Claims Handlers at Trial – Litigation Strategy That Operated to Blue Cross’ Detriment
  • Blue Cross Picks Up the Tab: A Review of the Award of Substantial Indemnity Costs


2:50 pm

Health Break

3:05 pm

“For Those About to Claim We Exclude You” –  Automobile Policy Exclusions You Need to Know
Bruce D. Grant, K.C., Canty Lutz Grant, Saint John

  • Consent
  • Misrepresentation/Material Change in Risk
  • Authorized by Law/Qualified to Drive
  • Intoxication


3:25 pm

Snap, Post, Disclose: Navigating Social Media Disclosure Obligations in Personal Injury Claims
Mitchell L. H. Fraser, Canty Lutz Grant, Saint John
Travis Todhunter, Canty Lutz Grant, Saint John 

  • Scope of Documentary Discovery in the Context of Text Messages and Social Media
  • Is it Relevant, or is it a Fishing Expedition?
  • Sorting it Out When Parties Cannot Agree


3:35 pm

The Ethics of Errors, Omissions, and Failure - The Building is About to Collapse… What Now?
Matthew T. Hayes, K.C., McInnes Cooper, Saint John

  • Lawyers' Obligations in Advising Clients in Matters of Failures and Public Safety Issues in Construction, Product Liability and Insurance
  • Exceptions to Confidentiality for Public Safety
  • What is an Imminent Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Harm, or Substantial Risk of Financial Injury


3:55 pm

The Latest Issues in Insuring Sport
Kelly T. VanBuskirk, K.C., VanBuskirk Law, Saint John

  • When Are Players Liable for Injuring Other Players and Who Pays?
  • When Are Players and Coaches Liable for Injuring Spectators?
  • Are Insurers on the Hook for Athlete Maltreatment Claims?


4:10 pm

Ten Tips to Help Plaintiff Lawyers Score
George A. McAllister, K.C., George A. McAllister, P.C., Fredericton

  • Inviting Everyone to the Party
  • Turfing Biased Defence Doctors
  • Some thoughts About “Harm” and “Hurt”
  • Musings About Rule 22


4:30 pm

End of Conference



All session materials will be available on the PD website ( 24 hours before the webcast. To access them, please log in to the website, navigate to "My Programs," locate the session title, and click on the "Papers" tab.


A 20% administrative fee will apply to cancellations received in writing by the CBA Branch office up to three (3) business days before the program. After that, no refunds will be issued, but materials and recordings (if available) will be provided. You may substitute another person in your place if you are unable to attend. ABC-NB-CBA reserves the right to cancel sessions due to low registration. 


This session may be eligible for up to 6.5 hours of mandatory continuing professional development and may include 1.5 hours of professional responsibility and ethics hours



    September 27, 2024
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm (ATL)

    - Wu Conference Centre, Fredericton

    CBA Members: $250.00
    Articling Student: $125.00
    Law School Student: $62.50
    Non CBA Members: $375.00

    Plus applicable taxes.





Ginette Arseneault