CBA Aboriginal and Environmental, Energy, and Resources Law Summit (Recordings)
Presented by the CBA Aboriginal Law and Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Sections
April 18-19, 2024 | Montreal, QC
Registration Fees
Changing Times:
Intersections between Aboriginal, Energy, and Environmental Law

Join us at the 2024 Joint National Aboriginal and Environmental, Energy, and Resources Law Summit, which will take place on April 18-19, 2024, at Le Sheraton Hotel in Montreal, QC. The summit will focus on the complex and dynamic legal landscape where recognizing Aboriginal and Indigenous rights intersect with energy and resource development and environmental stewardship. Our sections will provide an opportunity for timely discussions on Aboriginal consultation, the transition to a low-carbon economy, and the increasing investment in renewable energy and critical minerals.
Come along and hear from our leading lawyers and knowledge keepers from across Canada who will examine and discuss critical areas of climate change, consultation, federal regulations and enforcement, and significant energy projects, including:
- Biodiversity conservation informed by Haida Law of gina’waadluxan gud ad kwaagiida
- Current Trends in permitting and consulting processes for critical minerals.
- Climate change litigation and consultation claims in Canada.
- Indigenous relationships and transactional due diligence in emerging contaminants and ESG.
- Considering the cumulative effects for the purpose of environmental and impact assessments.
- Indigenous-led environmental and conservation efforts: aiming to maintain a sustainable and balanced relationship with nature, essential for the survival of indigenous cultures and the planet.
- Co-management of natural resources: sharing responsibilities and decision-making between different entities to manage natural resources such as land, water, and forests sustainably.
- The constitutionality of the Federal Impact Assessment Act in light of the Supreme Court of Canada's opinion.
- Hot legal topics from coast to coast.
- Federal Government Agreements.
Register now and join us to attend our joint summit and gain valuable insights, knowledge, and networking opportunities for your practice.
Registrant Type |
January 12-29 |
January 30-February 29 |
March 1-April 19 |
CBA Members |
$712.50/+tx |
$750.00/+tx |
$825.00/+tx |
Non-Members |
$999.87/+tx |
$1,052.50/+tx |
$1,157.75/+tx |
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years) |
$590.00/+tx |
$590.00/+tx |
$590.00/+tx |
CBA Student Members |
$395.00/+tx |
$395.00/+tx |
$395.00/+tx |
Ticketed Dinner |
$140.00/+tx |
$140.00/+tx |
$140.00/+tx |
Guest dinner ticket |
$140.00/+tx |
$140.00/+tx |
$140.00/+tx |
Plus applicable taxes |
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
Group rates are calculated based on the regular price and not on the discounted price (super early bird and early bird.)
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org