Material Price Increases and Construction Contracts - How to Deal (Recording)
Presented by the CBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ET
Registration Fees
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Material Price Increases and Construction Contracts - How to Deal
This program is meant to discuss contract interpretation, changes to the contract and material price increases. Construction has been significantly challenged by delays and cost increases resulting from the pandemic, supply chain issues, socio-economic issues, and material price increases.
With many construction contracts being fixed-price contract, how are parties dealing with these issues?
Would a material price increase constitute a change?
What clauses could be added to contracts to provide certainty for parties?
Cathy DiMarco, Pallett Valo LLP (Toronto, ON)
Courtney Kachur, Rose LLP (Calgary, AB)
Yann-Julien Chouinard, Miller Thomson LLP (Montreal, QC)
Andrea Gorys, Cassels LLP (Toronto, ON)
Registration Fees
CBA Members: $85
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $70
CBA Student Members: $25
Non-Members: $160
Government: $100
Plus applicable taxes
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
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