Everything Everywhere All At Once: Canada's New Competition Law Regime

Dramatic amendments to Canada’s competition and foreign investment review laws require businesses and their legal advisors to grapple with expanded risks and new opportunities. This year’s Fall Conference invites practitioners, corporate counsel, economists, enforcement officials and policy experts to digest the amendments and discuss how to interpret the revised competition laws – from structural presumptions to intent-or-effects abuse of dominance, disgorgement-style private action remedies and expanded consumer protection considerations – including through comparisons with US and other international developments. The Fall Conference will also provide participants insights on the latest developments in Canadian foreign investment law and practice, and feature a fireside chat with Matthew Boswell, Commissioner of Competition. Participants will come away with a stronger understanding of the new legal landscape and practical tips on how best to advise clients through these uncharted waters.
Registrant Type
CBA Members |
$920/+tx |
Non-Members |
$1,185/+tx |
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years) |
$675/+tx |
CBA Student Members |
$350/+tx |
Plus applicable taxes |
For Competition Bureau pricing, please contact pd@cba.org for assistance. |
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5+ registrants = 5% discount
Please note that the Gala Dinner can not be included in the group discount.
The group rate is calculated based on the regular price and not on discounted prices (early bird or any other discounted rate).
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org