CBA Dispute Resolution Online Symposium (Recordings)
Mediation as a Critical Tool in the Legal Practice
Presented by the CBA Dispute Resolution Section
Friday, May 17, 2024 | 11:00 AM–4:30 PM ET
Registration Fees
Join us for a 1-day online symposium.
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
SESSION 1: Access to Justice
This webinar delves into the critical role of mediation in facilitating access to justice for both the general public and individuals confronted with legal issues. In numerous situations where litigation is not feasible, mediation can establish a pathway for delivering justice and achieving peaceful resolution.
- Does mediation provide access to justice?
- Access to justice for refugees
- How to prove access to justice in Indigenous treaty disputes
Michael Fortier, Partner, Torys (Toronto, ON)
Nicole Aylwin, Consultant and Legal Educator (Toronto, ON)
Sharon Sutherland, Executive Director, Mediate BC (Vancouver, BC)
Moderator: Kamaljit Kaur Lehal, Partner, Lehal Law (Delta, BC)
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
SESSION 2: Administrative Tribunals
This webinar focuses on the hurdles confronting Canadian Administrative Tribunals, and how mediation is used a critical tool in the practice. This is explored in the context of prevailing backlogs as seen in human rights tribunals across Canada and the Landlord and Tenant Board in Ontario. It explores how the legal community can alleviate these backlogs and examines whether mediation can serve as an effective tool in addressing these challenges. The discussion also delves into the advantages of mediation in administrative cases and offers guidance to lawyers and the public
- What is the current system for access to mediation
- How often is mediation used as a way to resolve disputes
- What are the challenges and benefits of mediation at Tribunal
- Addressing backlog at the LTB in Ontario and the Human Rights Tribunal - Current status
- How to access tribunal cases to bring down the backlog
Raj Anand, Senior Lawyer, Raj Anand Professional Corporation (Ottawa, ON)
Kathryn Oviatt, Chief of the Commission and Tribunals of Alberta Human Rights Commission (Edmonton, AB)
Agnes Kittoe-Affum, Principal, K-A Dispute Resolution (Ottawa, ON)
Moderator: Afsana Gibson-Chowdhury, Mediator, Lawyer, Adjudicator, Gibson Chowdhry Clear Collaborative Mediation (Toronto, ON)
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
SESSION 3: Challenging Court Backlogs Post COVID
This panel will review the impact of Covid on the judicial system, including the backlog. We will take a look at what the courts have done to address to address backlog - if so, how and has it worked. The Ontario Bar Association has lobbied to expand the Ontario mandatory mediation program due to its many benefits, including an attempt to tackle backlog.
- Review of COVID's impact on the Canadian legal system
- Current systems in place to tackle court backlogs across Canada
- Expansion of Mandatory Mediation in Ontario
Mana Khami, Counsel, BLG (Toronto, ON)
Katie Di Tomaso, Lawyer, Stieber Berlach LLP (Toronto, ON)
Jennifer Egsgard, Lawyer and Mediator, Egsgard Mediation (Toronto, ON)
Jessica Harding, Partner, Litigation, Osler (Montréal, QC)
Moderator: Bernard Morrow, Morrow Meditation (Toronto, ON)
Registration fees for the entire 1-day symposium
CBA Members: $139
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $99
CBA Student Members: $45
Non-Members: $296
Government: $179
Plus applicable taxes
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org
Unless otherwise specified, sessions will be presented in English.