Presented live via zoom by the CBA National Office Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ET Free for all Section Executive Committee Members Program offered in English
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
CBA National Online Orientation for Section Executive Committee Members (Recording)
This session will provide key information about what to expect as a member of the Executive and give you the opportunity to connect directly with CBA leadership who are eager to hear how we can best meet the needs of your Section and support you in your role.
The discussion will include an overview of roles and expectations including the following:
- The role of the Executive Committee - How your Section and activities fit within the CBA - What you can expect from your Liaison Officer and other staff support - Developing PD programs that meet the needs of your section members
These and other fundamentals are meant to guide you through a productive and enjoyable term as a member of your Section Executive for 2023-2024.
October 25, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (ET)
Recording 613-237-2925 1-800-267-8860