Topical Issues and Recent Decisions in Maritime Law and Practice (Recording)
Presented by the CBA Maritime Law Section
Wednesday December 6, 2023 | 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ET
Registration Fees
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Topical Issues and Recent Decisions in Maritime Law and Practice
This webinar will cover topical issues of interest to members of the maritime law bar, specifically recent Federal Court and Supreme Court of Canada decisions as well as a presentation from the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund. This webinar is also likely of interest to members of the Aboriginal Law, Air and Space Law and Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Sections.
- An introduction to the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund and changes to the Marine Liability Act pursuant to Bill C-47, the Budget Implementation Act.
- Federal Court decision in Arc-En-Ciel Produce Inc. v. BF Leticia (Ship), 2022 FC 843 on s. 46 of the Marine Liability Act
- SCC decision in Canada (Transportation Safety Board) v. Carrol-Byrne, 2022 SCC 48 and impact on maritime practice
Cameron Grant, Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund (Ottawa, ON)
Peter Swanson, Bernard LLP (Vancouver, BC)
Sofia Lopez Bancalari, Norton Rose Fulbright (Montreal, QC)
David S. Jarrett, Bernard LLP (Vancouver, BC)
Registration Fees
CBA Members: $85
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $70
CBA Student Members: $25
Non-Members: $160
Government: $100
Plus applicable taxes
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
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