Presented by CBA Legal Futures
Alternative Practice: How Will You Use Your Law Degree?
Many law students go through school believing there are two possible career paths: work for a large law firm or work as in-house counsel. The truth is a law degree can lead to many different career options, for both new lawyers and more senior lawyers looking to pivot.
Join panelists, Julie MacDonell and Jonathan Sherman share how they are using their law degrees, what led them to choose their career paths, and how to leverage your law degree to do big things.
Julie MacDonell, Co-Founder and CEO, Haloo
Jonathan D. Sherman, Associate Partner, Oaklins Canada
Sukhi Dhillon Alberga, Founder, Bridge Legal Solutions, and CBA Legal Futures Subcommittee Member
Michael Rubinger, Associate, Baker & MacKenzie LLP, and CBA Legal Futures Subcommittee Member