
Evolution or Revolution? The Future of Canadian Competition and Foreign Investment Law in the International Context
2023 may mark the most significant year in Canadian competition and foreign investment law in decades. Decisions made by policy-makers and legislators in the coming months may have far-reaching impacts on Canadian regulatory law and policy, and potentially the economy, for years to come. This year’s Spring Conference will be a forum to discuss and debate what this future should be, including with reference to Canada’s peer jurisdictions.
The government has set the table by issuing an important consultation paper covering all aspects of the Competition Act, which may lead to far-reaching amendments. Mergers, unilateral conduct, competitor collaborations and the very role and powers of the Competition Bureau and the Competition Tribunal are all up for grabs. The government has also introduced legislation creating a new mandatory pre-closing national security filing regime, with potentially significant implications for international M&A transactions touching Canada. These developments are taking place within an international regulatory enforcement environment that is the toughest and most active in memory. This year’s expert faculty will feature outstanding speakers discussing the potential changes in Canada, and the international state of play.
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