CBA Administrative Law, and Labour and Employment Law Conference (Recordings)
Presented by the CBA Administrative Law and the CBA Labour and Employment Law sections
Review of Recent Trends and Emerging Issues in Administrative, Labour & Employment Law
Join us on November 17 and 18 at the Westin Ottawa for the annual joint conference of the CBA Administrative Law Section and Labour & Employment Law Section.
We have prepared an outstanding agenda, featuring the latest developments affecting clients and practices, and we are bringing back favourites, such as the annual administrative law update. For administrative law practitioners, there will be valuable insights on emerging issues in professional regulatory law and a chance to explore the evolving standard of fairness in administrative decisions. Meanwhile, labor and employment practitioners can look forward to updates on the year's prominent cases from across Canada and the latest information on employment law class actions!
CBA Members: $795
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $690
CBA Student Members: $445
Non-Members: $1,070
Government: $1,010
Plus applicable taxes
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org