Appellate Practice in the Supreme Court of Canada
Presented by the Taxation Law Section
Co-Chairs: Brian R. Carr, Thorsteinssons LLP | Ed Kroft, Q.C., Bennett Jones LLP
CBA members: $75
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $50
CBA Student members: $15
Non-members: $175
Government: $115
Plus applicable taxes
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Group rates available. Please contact pd@cba.org.
Appellate Practice in the Supreme Court of Canada
This session describes: the Court’s process in dealing with applications for leave to appeal; the criteria for obtaining leave with examples of tax cases in which leave was granted, and those issues that would cause the Court to deny leave; the Court’s process in dealing with the appeal itself; and a discussion of some tax cases that dealt with broader issues in addition to specific provision of the Income Tax Act, including statutory interpretation, the General Anti Avoidance Rule, common law, privilege and ethical issues.
The Honourable Marshall Rothstein C.C., Q.C., Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP