Stock Incentive Plans and Other Equity-Based Incentives
(Updated slides, papers and new Recordings)
Presented by the Taxation Law Section
Co-Chairs: Brian R. Carr, Thorsteinssons LLP | Ed Kroft, Q.C., Bennett Jones LLP
CBA members: $75
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $50
CBA Student members: $15
Non-members: $175
Government: $115
Plus applicable taxes
Purchase this recording or the full group of recordings for best rates.
Group rates available. Please contact pd@cba.org.
Stock Incentive Plans and Other Equity-Based Incentives
Equity and equity-based awards are significant components of most executives’ compensation packages and can have a material impact on the structure (and success) of corporate transactions. This session outlines the equity incentives typically provided to executives in Canada and the key tax considerations for both executives and employers that impact the design and of these arrangements. The presentation also discusses some of the case law relating to the taxation of equity incentives in connection with certain corporate transactions.
Elizabeth Boyd, Blake, Cassels and Graydon LLP