This conference will be offered online, with exciting opportunities for in-person learning and networking in a limited number of host cities.
Complex Immigration Litigation (Recording)
Presented by the CBA Immigration Law Section
June 17, 2022 | 4:00 PM–5:30 PM ET
Registration Fees
Day 3 - Friday June 17, 2022 | 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET
4:00 pm–5:30 am |
Complex Immigration Litigation
Sponsored by

Learn from leaders in the field about test-case and group litigation, including topics such as mandamus, class actions, and best practices for practice in matters with multiple similarly impacted applicants.
Barbara Jackman, Jackman & Associates
Wennie Lee, Lee & Company
Jared Will, Jared Will & Associates
Naseem Mithoowani, Mithoowani Waldman Immigration Law Group
Unless otherwise specified, sessions will be presented in English.
Register for individual sessions or purchase the full program for the best rates.
Registrants will receive an on-demand recording following each webcast.
Registration fees per webinar
CBA Members: $65
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $55
CBA Student Members: $15
Non-Members: $155
AQAADI Members: $95*
Government: $95
Paralegal prices available**
Plus applicable taxes
*AQAADI members please contact Lisa Middlemiss and await response before registering.
**Paralegals under the supervision of a lawyer please contact pd@cba.org for assistance.
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org