Diversity on the Bench (Part 1) (Recording)
Presented by the CBA Equality Subcommittee
December 6, 2022 | 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Registration Fees
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Diversity on the Bench (Part 1)
The CBA has added its voice to a growing chorus of equality-seeking groups in the legal profession that are encouraging the federal government to ensure that the federal bench (including the Supreme Court of Canada, Federal Court of Appeal, Federal Court, as well as the Courts of Appeal and Superior Courts of the provinces and territories) reflects the diversity of the population it serves.
In 2016, the federal government made significant changes to the way judges are appointed, and has subsequently articulated the goal of achieving a judiciary that reflects the diversity of Canadian society. Yet, these efforts have not resulted in an appreciably more diverse bench; the relatively low representation of women, racialized persons, Indigenous peoples and persons of other diverse backgrounds remains a characteristic of the federal bench.
Canadians' confidence in the courts will be enhanced if the judiciary more closely mirrors the reality and experience of those who appear before it, which makes achieving this is a common goal. In supporting the goal, it is essential to increase the number of applications received from candidates from diverse and intersecting backgrounds. This event targets individuals of diverse backgrounds, aims to demystify the application process, and intends to encourage them to apply for the bench.
The Honourable Justice Russel G. Juriansz
The Honourable Justice Sandra Nishikawa
The Honourable Justice Mahmud Jamal
The Honourable Justice Kael McKenzie
The Honourable Justice Harry Smith LaForme
Audrey Boctor, Partner, IMK Advocates
Natalia Rodriguez, Partner, Conway Litigation
Lee Nevens, Cousel, Department of Justice Goverment of Canada, British Colombia
Registration Fees
CBA Members: FREE
Non-Members: $55
Plus applicable taxes