The CBA Competition Law Section's Reviewable Matters Committee presents:
Abuse of Dominance 101: Legislation vs Jurisprudence
January 11, 2022 | 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Eastern
Online (Zoom)
While the abuse of dominance provisions in the Competition Act read as relatively straight-forward, the jurisprudence is nuanced and has developed in a manner that arguably reaches much further than the plain words of the Act. This session will provide young lawyers and curious counsel with insights from academia, private practice, and the Competition Bureau on abuse of dominance themes and concepts which do not clearly appear in the Act, including: (i) the business justification defence; (ii) the test for harm to a competitor; and (iii) the extent to which abuse of dominance applies to conduct that does not impact one’s competitors and the concept of plausible competitive interest.
Julie Rosenthal, Goodmans LLP
Stephanie Guitard, Competition Bureau
James Musgrove, McMillan LLP
John Tyhurst, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law