CBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Online Symposium (Recordings)
Presented by the CBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
Friday, April 21, 2023
11:00 am - 4:30 pm (times listed in Eastern Time)
Registration Fees
Dispute Resolution Symposium 2023: Mediation, Resolution, and Innovation
This one-day on-line symposium is designed to provide you with practical tips and strategies to conduct more effective mediations, increase your skills in defusing difficult and volatile situations in dispute resolution, and introduce you to innovative ways that arbitration and mediation can be used in the employment context to better serve your workplace clients and avoid litigation. You won’t want to miss this valuable opportunity to learn from experienced counsel, mediators and academics on topics that will improve your practice and inspire your thinking on dispute resolution.
Friday, April 21, 2023 | 11:00 AM – 4:30 PM ET
11:00 am–11:05 am ET |
Welcome and Introduction
Frank McBrearty, Financial and Consumer Services Commission (Saint John, NB)
11:05 am–12:30 pm ET |
SESSION 1: Top 10 Tips for Mediators and Counsel in a Mediation (Recording)
Experienced counsel and mediators join forces in this valuable presentation to provide practical tips, advice and strategies to set up, prepare for, and conduct an effective mediation. This presentation will provide practical advice for both mediators and counsel.
Afsana Gibson-Chowdhury, Gibson Chowdhury (Toronto, ON)
Jean-Michel Frechette, Frechette Mediation (Ottawa, ON)
Marshall Schnapp, Schnapp Mediation & Arbitration (Toronto, ON)
Mana Khami, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (Toronto, ON)
Bill Holder, Clark Wilson (Vancouver, BC)
12:30 pm–1:00 pm ET |
1:00 pm–2:30 pm ET |
SESSION 2: Practicing Defusing Techniques in the Mediation Context
One of the most challenging and potentially uncomfortable responsibilities for those who deal directly with clients is dealing with individuals who exhibit anger, hostility, or resistance. Defusing techniques can be used in personal and professional settings to shift positions and de-escalate volatile situations. In this session you will be introduced to skills that can defuse these difficult situations in the mediation context. The speaker and moderator for this session will be joining us from the ADR Institute of Alberta (ADRIA).
Erika Deines, ADR Institute of Alberta (St. Albert, AB)
Paul Conway, ADR Institute of Alberta (Toronto, ON)
Note: This session will be live only and not recorded.
2:30 pm–3:00 pm ET |
3:00 pm–4:30 pm ET |
SESSION 3: Using Work-Based Solutions to Resolve Employment Disputes (Recording)
Arbitration and mediation are underutilized tools for the resolution of ever-increasing workplace disputes. This session will focus on innovative ways in which arbitration and mediation are used to assist employers and employees in the United Kingdom to find work-based solutions rather than seeking redress through litigation. This approach could be applied in Canada and would serve to benefit both employers and employees.
Kelly VanBuskirk, Lawson Creamer (Saint John, NB)
Lynette Harris, Emeritus Professor of Human Resources Management and Professional Practice, Nottingham Trent University (Nottinghamshire, England, UK)
Frank McBrearty, Financial and Consumer Services Commission (Saint John, NB)
4:30 pm–4:35 pm ET |
Closing Remarks
Frank McBrearty, Financial and Consumer Services Commission (Saint John, NB)
Registration fees for the entire 1-day symposium
CBA Members: $179
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $139
CBA Student Members: $79
Non-Members: $349
Government: $259
Plus applicable taxes
Group Rates For Firms / Organizations
5 – 9 registrants = 10% discount
10 – 19 registrants = 15% discount
20+ = 20% discount
To take advantage of the discount, please contact: pd@cba.org
Unless otherwise specified, sessions will be presented in English.