Conducting Virtual Meetings and Maintaining Virtual Minute Books: Practical, Legal and Technical Considerations (Recording)
Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET
As a result of the pandemic, virtual meetings and minute books have skyrocketed in popularity. This shift has given rise to many new logistical and practical changes that companies must know how to handle. Master the success factors for correctly running online meetings and for properly keeping virtual minute books so you can effectively advise your clients on:
- Practical and technical considerations: planning, proper notice, platforms, proxies, proposals and more
- Sharing information online and across borders: managing privacy risks
- Special considerations for virtual meetings on contentious issues or significant matters
- Shifting to virtual minute books: new practices, options and implications
- Updating directors on the obligations to keep transparency registers, penalties for non-compliance and managing privacy implications
Andrew Burke, Partner, Stewart McKelvey
Jennifer MacGregor-Greer, Counsel, Business Law, MEP Business Counsel
Rima Ramchandani, Partner, Torys LLP