When Things Go Wrong… Essential Tools for Helping your Clients in Various Circumstances
Presented by the CBA Immigration Law Section
CBA members: $55
CBA Young Lawyer Members (<5 years): $40
CBA Student members: $10
Non-members: $220
AQAADI members: $110*
Government: $110
Paralegal prices available**
Plus applicable taxes
*AQAADI members please contact Isabelle Dongier and await response before registering.
**Paralegals please contact pd@cba.org for assistance.
All sessions will be presented in English. Registrants will receive an on-demand recording following each webcast.
This is the 16th webinar in the CBA Immigration Law Online Symposium. You can purchase the full program at a package rate.
Thursday, June 17, 2021 | 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM ET
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm ET When Things Go Wrong… Essential Tools for Helping your Clients in Various Circumstances
This session has been designed to identify the knowledge and skills that all immigration lawyers will need to advise their clients in challenging situations (e.g. when the CBSA shows up at your client’s office asking questions about a foreign national employee, other types of investigations, etc.).
With the retention and sharing of exit and entry data and IRCC and CBSA officers searching social media with increased frequency, undoubtedly there will be more allegations of misrepresentation and grounds for search and seizure.
This session will discuss the following subjects, including impacts of COVID-19 where applicable:
- Right to counsel
- When to claim solicitor - client privilege
- When to advise a client to remain silent or to cooperate with authorities
- Citizenship fraud, PR card renewal fraud, etc.
- Best practices and tips for managing client information on social media
Cindy Switzer, Maynard Kischer Stojicevic
Lorne Waldman, Waldman & Associates
Isabelle Jamison, CBSA
Edward Marrocco, Stockwoods LLP