Presented by the CBA Elder Law Section and the CBA Health Law Section
Update on Medical Assistance in Dying and the Truchon Decision
Can’t keep up with all the legal developments re: medical assistance in dying? This session can help. Jean-François Leroux and Jocelyn Downie will provide a review of the latest judicial and legislative developments, including Truchon v Attorney General out of Quebec, Y v Swinemar out of Nova Scotia, and Bill C-7 in front of Parliament right now. They will also offer some reflections on what’s next for MAiD in Canada (including MAiD for mature minors, advance requests for MAiD, and MAiD where a mental disorder is the sole underlying medical condition). And there will be lots of time for questions.
At the end of this session, participants will:
- Understand the decision, reasons, and implications of Truchon v Attorney General (including judicial authorizations for MAiD)
- Understand the decision, reasons, and implications of Y v Swinemar
- Understand the key amendments to Canada’s MAiD law proposed through Bill C-7 (what they are and the implications for access to MAiD)
- Appreciate the issues that will be the subject of debate in 2021
Jean-François Leroux, MedLégal
Jocelyn Downie, Faculties of Law and Medicine at Dalhousie University